Sunday, June 22, 2014

1st Weekend In Japan!

This past weekend has been a lot of fun!!! This last Saturday, I went to a real ramen restaurant with my Host Family and I ate a bowl of ramen and some gyoza! It was super delicious and I don't think I will ever be able to eat Top Ramen ever again lol Sadly though, Yuuki couldn't come because he had a club activity to attend. Also, I went to a library with Papa. I got to look at an Akira manga and it was pretty cool haha That night was the Welcome Party and I got to meet new people that were on the Japanese side of the Spokane-Nishinomiya Sister City Program. I also got to see old friends that I made when they came to Shadle in years past. Each Host Sibling had to do a skit kind of thing together lol Mine was feeding Yuuki food from behind his back without looking lol it was a lot of fun! :D The next day I went to a mall with Mama and Nagichan (Yuuki's little sister). There were a lot of things I wanted to get but it was really expensive lol I however, did get a little Totoro magnet and I won a Luffy figure in a skill crane thingy! It was a lot of fun and the mall was really big! Haha I then went to a DVD rental store with Yuuki and Nagichan. We rented The Dark Night Rises and Death Note. I watched The Dark Knight Rises with Yuuki and he thought it was super cool!!!! :D Also, I am officially caught up on One Piece and now have to wait every week for the next episode lol But, one of Yuuki's friends let me borrow some One Piece manga so I can read ahead!!! :D Hooray!!!! :D

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