Friday, June 20, 2014

Next 2 Days of School!!! :D

The next two days of school I had class! I went to many different classes and met so many new people! My fellow peers have also stretched my knowledge of the Japanese language and I have started to write down new words and phrases in a notebook. Yesterday, I joined the Track club. I met really cool guys that enjoyed running just as much as I do and it was a lot of fun!!!! However, it has been 4 weeks since I last ran so afterwards, I was super tired!!!! Today, I had swimming class for the first time and it was a little difficult. But, I love how precise and organized the Japanese are. After school, I helped Mr. Pratt (An English teacher that is not Japanese) with talking and answering some questions from Japanese students that want to learn more english and are actually going to New Zealand as exchange students. I look forward to experiencing my first weekend in Japan!!!!!! :D

1 comment:

  1. Tiernan, I have so enjoyed reading your blogs. Thanks for keeping us up to date on your adventure. I know you will experience amazing things. Such a great thing to so. Looking forward to hearing more!!

    Karen Ithomitis
